Urban Experiences: Narratives, Memories and Place Heritage

Our memories are a precious layer of cultural heritage that connects the past with the present. Collecting oral folklore is like creating a time capsule filled with stories, legends, and traditions passed down through generations. Each of us can contribute to preserving this valuable information by sharing our memories, observations, and experiences. 

In contemporary folklore, which includes urban legends, internet memes, and social media trends, we actively participate in its creation and dissemination. We are both creators and recipients of stories, shaping the cultural landscape together. This mutual engagement allows us not only to preserve the legacy of the past but also to build a contemporary cultural identity. 

Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age 

In today's world, where digital footprints dominate, it's easy to forget the importance of preserving and passing on intangible cultural heritage. Just as Krišjānis Barons dedicated his life to collecting Latvian folk songs, researchers of the project "Urban Experiences: Narratives, Memories and Place Heritage" recognize the need to document and safeguard the experiences, memories, and stories of modern people. 

How and Why Were People’s Stories Collected? 

This Latvian Science Council funded Fundamental and Applied Research program project reflects Krišjānis Barons' work by documenting the diversity of contemporary urban folklore and experiences. Like Barons’ efforts, the project underscores that every individual is a creator of history, and their experiences are invaluable. This time, however, more than just words were recorded—photos, voices, intonations, and videos were gathered, all compiled into a digital archive accessible to the public. 

The research focused on documenting the history, culture, and experiences of residents in the Pārdaugava neighborhoods of Riga. Its main goals were: 

  • Collecting information on Pārdaugava's history, from its beginnings to the present day. 

  • Documenting the neighborhood’s architecture and urban development over time. 

  • Capturing residents' memories, stories, and experiences in various Pārdaugava neighborhoods. 

  • Identifying and documenting local cultural traditions and events. 

  • Exploring the social and economic lives of Pārdaugava’s residents. 

To achieve these objectives, researchers used various methods, including surveys, interviews, storytelling evenings, and analysis of archival materials. Information was collected about notable people, events, and everyday life in the area. 

Challenges in Engaging Participants 

One challenge was actively involving residents, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many were willing to share their memories, some were initially skeptical. However, by building trust and explaining the project's goals, researchers successfully engaged a broad group of participants. This sparked a "snowball effect," with residents recommending more neighbors and friends who had stories worth sharing. Each conversation, each memory, became a small piece of the larger Pārdaugava mosaic. 

The stories varied by neighborhood—Bolderāja, Imanta, and Āgenskalns each had unique tales and events. Even when details were forgotten or embellished, accounts from multiple people enriched the narrative, creating a more comprehensive picture over time. 

Storytelling Evenings and Archival Research 

In addition to individual interviews, researchers organized storytelling evenings where people could share their experiences and connect with others. These gatherings became platforms for building new bonds, reviving memories, and collaboratively shaping history. Participants ranged from long-time residents to people who had only visited Pārdaugava briefly. 

The researchers also delved into archives, uncovering historical secrets through old maps, photographs, and documents, helping to understand Pārdaugava’s development over time. 

Stories as a Unifying Element 

The researchers didn’t just collect information—they also forged close ties with Pārdaugava’s residents. This collaboration created a special connection that transcended the boundaries of research. The project became a platform for people to share memories, uncover shared history, and foster a stronger sense of community. 

Key takeaways include: 

  • Pārdaugava is a valuable part of Riga’s cultural and historical heritage. 

  • Residents' memories and experiences are an irreplaceable part of history, helping us understand the past and shape the future. 

  • Community involvement is crucial for the success of cultural heritage preservation projects. 

  • Digital technology can play a vital role in preserving and popularizing cultural heritage. 

  • Projects like this promote cultural diversity and strengthen social cohesion. 

Interestingly, some researchers had already lived in Pārdaugava before the project, while one even moved there during the project, and others are considering it—a testament to the deep connection this endeavor inspired. 

What Stories Did People Share? 

The most captivating part of the research was, of course, the stories. They evoked a wide range of emotions. Here are just a few: 

  • Memories of Local Shops: Residents recounted long queues for groceries, the distinctive smell of the shops, and how neighbors shared food with each other. For instance, one resident fondly remembered the aroma of freshly baked bread at a local bakery, a scent still vivid in their memory. 

  • Everyday Experiences: One person shared a vivid yet unpleasant childhood memory of traveling on an Ikarus bus and breathing in diesel fumes. This small but impactful recollection demonstrates how even mundane situations leave lasting impressions. 

  • Historical Family Stories: A woman shared her grandmother’s accounts of witnessing the tragic events of the 1905 revolution in Pārdaugava, where many people were killed. This poignant family memory underscores the importance of passing down historical narratives. 

  • Celebrating Holidays: Contrary to the notion that major festivities are mostly rural, stories revealed vibrant urban celebrations in Pārdaugava. People recalled family gatherings, special meals, and holiday traditions during Midsomer, Easter, Christmas, and more. 

The Bigger Picture 

At first glance, documenting such small, everyday stories might seem unnecessary. However, these fragments create a rich mosaic of history. They reflect people's emotional connections to places, their daily experiences, and cultural peculiarities. These stories are not only historical evidence but also artistic pieces that can move and inspire. 

Researchers also photographed streets, buildings, and parks to document the cityscape's changes over time. These images serve as visual proof of urban development and allow us to compare the past with the present. 

As researcher Gatis Ozoliņš noted, “This project documents the diversity of contemporary urban folklore and experiences. Even today, it’s essential to recognize that every person is a creator of their surroundings and history, and their experiences are valuable.” 

Beyond the Research 

The project culminated in exhibitions showcasing photographs that highlighted Pārdaugava’s stories and environment. Many stories were shared on social media, where residents identified familiar locations and provided additional details about people and places. 

This is just the beginning. The collected stories and memories are not only historical records but also a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and filmmakers. These narratives could inspire films, TV shows, books, and even local tourism routes. Imagine how these fascinating histories could spark new ideas and opportunities! 

For more about Pārdaugava’s history and culture, explore the project’s results at: https://garamantas.lv/lv/collection/1564706/Pardaugavas-stasti 

Together, we can continue shaping Pārdaugava’s history and ensure that these valuable stories are preserved for future generations. 


The project " Urban Experiences: Narratives, Memories and Place Heritage" ( lzp-2020/1-0096) is implemented under the Fundamental and Applied Research program, funded by the Latvian Science Council.  

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