Nr. |
Eiropas Partnerība |
Konkurss atvērts |
Konkursa 1.kārtas deadline |
Latvijas ieguldījums konkursa budžetā, EUR |
Saite uz konkursa vietni |
1. |
ERA4HEALTH Tēma: EFFECTRIAL: Fostering pragmatic comparative-effectiveness trials in non-communicable diseases |
20.11.2024 |
28.01.2025./ 16:00 CET |
800 000 (4-gadīgi projekti) |
2. |
THCS – Transforming Health and Care Systems Tēma: Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care |
12.12.2024 |
30.01.2025./ 14:00 CET |
600 000 | |
3. |
EP PerMed – the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine Tēma: Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025) |
16.12.2024. |
18.02.2025./ 14:00 (CET) |
600 000 |
Infodiena 9.01.2025: |
4. |
ERA4HEALTH Tēma: InterHeart: Understanding the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities and/or their therapeutic treatments |
07.01.2025 |
07.03.2025./ 14:00 CET |
600 000 |
5. |
Pre-clinical therapy studies using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation |
10.12.2024 |
13.02.2025./ 14:00 CET |
600 000 | |
6. | EP Innovative SMEs – aktivitāte Eurostars | 10.01.2025 | 13.03.2025. / 14.00 CET | 600 000 | |
Publicēts: 16.03.2023.