Datums 22. aprīlis, 2024
Vieta Tiešsaistē
Widera seminārs

Aicinām uz Apvārsnis Eiropa informācijas dienu par WIDERA darba programmu 2023-2025. Pasākuma mērķis ir informēt par jauno Eiropas Pētniecības Telpas (ERA) uzsaukumu WIDERA darba programmas 2023-2025 ietvaros. Pieteikumus 2024. gada ERA uzsaukumam, kurš ietver šādas tēmas kā zināšanu valorizācija, pētniecības karjera sākumposmā un zinātne pilsētās, varēs iesniegt laikā no 15. jūnija līdz 25. septembrim. Pasākuma laikā dalībniekiem būs iespēja uzdot sev interesējošus jautājumus.

Informācijas diena būs skatāma tiešraidē: Events | The research and innovation community platform (europa.eu)


  • 10:00-10:30 (CET) Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation

Action that supports translating available scientific knowledge and research results to innovative solutions, including through more experimentation, peer learning and testing of new models as well as trying out good practices in different environments.  

Target groups: Academia/Research, industry/SMEs, public administration/policy-makers.

  • 10:30-11:30 (CET) Science comes to town

Action that offers an opportunity for a group of cities to jointly design and implement a vibrant and engaging year-long programme of activities, connecting local R&I communities with citizens and stakeholders around the topic of science and its role in society.

Target groups: City authorities in collaboration with universities, research organisations, civil society organisations.

  • 11:30-12:30 (CET) Talent ecosystems for attractive early research careers – pilot

Action that supports organisational change and coordination of measures in academic and non-academic organisations to create a talent ecosystem with a large pool of R&I positions that provide intersectoral career opportunities for R&I talents.

Target groups: Universities, research and technology organisations and infrastructures, SMEs/industry, government entities and international organisations, civil society organisations.