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Sākums 01/07/2020 Noslēgums 31/12/2020 (piešķirts pagarinājums rezultātu nostiprināšanai un publiskošanai līdz 31/03/2021)

  • Projekta numurs

    • Projekta nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0011 
  • Finansējums

    • 497 580 EUR
  • Projekta vadītājs

  • Papildu informācija par projektu

  • Projektu realizējošās institūcijas:

    • Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
    • Latvijas Universitāte
    • Banku augstskola

Zinātnes nozare

  • Veselības un sporta zinātnes
  • Medicīnas bāzes zinātnes, tai skaitā farmācija


Lai veicinātu Latvijas veselības aprūpes un sabiedrības veselības sistēmu gatavību nākotnes epidēmijām un ārkārtas stāvokļiem, mācoties no pieredzes, kas iegūta COVID-19 epidēmiju laikā, mēs veiksim epidemioloģiskos un sabiedrības veselības pētījumus par pēcepidēmijas sekām, tostarp psihosociālos un uzvedības aspektus vispārējā populācijā un noteiktās iedzīvotāju grupās (bērni, reproduktīvā vecuma cilvēki, vecāka gadagājuma cilvēki), kā arī analizēsim veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu nepārtrauktību un esošos veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu algoritmus. Šī projekta rezultāti palīdzēs attīstīt ilgtspējīgu pieeju būtisku veselības aprūpes un sabiedrības veselības pakalpojumu sniegšanai pašreizējās COVID-19 epidēmijas un iespējamo nākotnes apdraudējumu laikā, atbalstot LR Veselības ministriju un citas atbildīgās institūcijas atbilstošu aktivitāšu situācijas pārvaldībai plānošanā. Projekts tiks īstenots piecu sinerģisku un savstarpēji papildinošu darba paku par:

  1. veselības aprūpes nepārtrauktību,
  2. psihisko veselību un psiholoģisko noturību,
  3. seksuālo un reproduktīvo veselību,
  4. gados vecāku iedzīvotāju,
  5. bērnu veselību ietvaros.


Smane, L., Stars, I., Pucuka, Z., et al. (2020). Persistent clinical features in paediatric patients after SARS-CoV-2 virological recovery: a retrospective population-based cohort study from a single centre in Latvia. BMJ Paediatrics Open, Vol. 4 (1). DOI:

Biedite, I., Kivite-Urtane, A., Lazdane, G., Rezenberga, D., Kantane, I., Pumpure, E., Pitkevica, I., Gravina, M. L., & Mihailova, D. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 pandemy and restrictions on sexual behaviour, relationship and well-being. Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive MedicineVol. 7, pp. 1-5. DOI:

Vrublevska, J., Sibalova, A., Aleskere, I., Rezgale, B., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N., & Rancans, E. (2021). Factors related to depression, distress, and self-reported changes in anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Latvia. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. DOI:

Šuriņa, S., Martinsone, K., Perepjolkina, V., Kolesnikova, J., Vainik, U., Ruža, A, Vrublevska, J., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N., & Rancans, E. (2021). Factors Related to COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors: A Structural Equation Model. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI:

Pumpure, E., Rezeberga, D., Lazdane, G., Briedite, I., Mihailova, D., Pitkevica, I., Gravina, L. M., Olsena, S., Kantane, I., & Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (2021). Relationship between pregnant women and their partners during COVID-19 and the role of accompanying persons during childbirth. Journal of Hospital Administration, Vol. 10., No. 4. DOI:

Smane, L., Roge, I., Pucuka, Z., & Pavare, J. (2021). Clinical features of pediatric post-acute COVID-19: a descriptive retrospective follow-up study. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 47. DOI:

Racko, I., Smane, L., Klavine, L., Pucuka, Z., Roge, I. & Pavare, J. (2021). Case Series of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) in Children During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Latvia. Clinics and Practice11(2), pp. 363-373;;

Stars, I., Smane, L., Pucuka, Z., Roge, I., & Pavare, J. (2021). Impact of Pediatric COVID-19 on Family Health-Related Quality of Life: A Qualitative Study from Latvia. Global Pediatric Health. DOI:;

Smane, L., Stars, I., Pucuka, Z., Roge, I., & Pavare, J. (2021). Persistent clinical features in paediatric patients after SARS-CoV-2 virological recovery: a retrospective population-based cohort study from a single centre in Latvia. BMJ Paediatrics Open. DOI:

Stars, I., Smane, L., Pucuka, Z., Roge, I., Pavare, J. (2021). Impact of Pediatric COVID-19 on Family Health-Related Quality of Life: A Qualitative Study from Latvia. Global Pediatric Health, Vol. 8. DOI:

Reine, I., Ivenovs, A., Mierina, I., Gehtmane-Hofmane, I., & Koroleva, I. (2021). Overcoming social isolation with digital technologies among ageing populations during COVID-19. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”, Vol. IV, pp. 171-178,  DOI:

Miķelsone, M., Baltmane, D., Reine, I., Snikere, S., Ivanovs, A., & Tomsone, S.  (2021). Exploration of healthy ageing determinants in Baltic States. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”, Vol. IV, pp. 414-427. DOI:

Gehtmane-Hofmane, I., Teraudkalna, M., Rajevska, O., Koroleva, I., & Reine, I. (2021). Knowledge, attitudes and COVID-19-related behavior among individuals aged 50 and older in Latvia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”, Vol. IV, pp. 102-112. DOI:

Mierina, I., & Reine, I. (2021). Why did they need to come now? COVID-19 crisis strains relationships with returning and visiting compatriots. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”, Vol. IV, pp. 160-171. DOI:

Koroleva, I., Sigita, S., Aleksandrovs, A., Reine, I., Trapencieris, M., & Ivanovs, A. (2021). Effects of social isolation on mental health during COVID-19 in the context of ageing. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”, Vol. IV, 104-117. DOI:

Upelseja, G. & Perepjolkina, V. (2021.) Relationship between Social and Psychological Indicators and the Difficulty to Adapt to the State of Emergency of the Latvian Inhabitants During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”Vol. VII, pp. 106-116. DOI:

Bundzena-Ervika, A., Mārtinsone, K., Perepjolkina, V., Ruža, A., Koļesņikova, J., Rancāns, E. (2021). Relationship between psychological resilience and self-care strategies of healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”Vol. VII, pp. 24-38. DOI:

Maldupa, I., Uribe, S. (2021). Latvian Dentist Treatment Decisions During COVID19 Pandemic. Dataverse. DOI:

Rancans, E., Vrublevska, J., Aleskere, I., Rezgale, B., Sibalova, A. (2021). Mental health and associated factors in the general population of Latvia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dataverse. DOI:

Lazdane, G., Rezeberga, D., Briedite, I., Pumpure, E., Pitkevica, I., Mihailova, D., Gravina, M. L. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health in the time of COVID-19 in Latvia, qualitative research interviews and focus group discussions, 2020 (in Latvian). Dataverse. DOI:

Lazdane, G., Rezeberga, D., Briedite, I., Kantane, I., Pumpure, E., Pitkevica, I., Mihailova, D., Gravina, M. L. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health survey in the time of COVID-19 – Latvia, 2020. Dataverse. DOI: