Fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projekti (FLPP) logo

Iespējošā pētniecība vienelektronu kvantu tehnoloģijām

Sākums: 01/2022  Noslēgums: 12/2024

  • Projekta numurs

    • lzp-2021/1-0232

  • Finansējums

    • 300 000EUR

  • Projekta vadītājs

  • Projektu īsteno

    • Latvijas Universitāte

Zinātnes nozare

  • Fizika un astronomija

  • Elektrotehnika, elektronika, informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģijas


Single-electron semiconductor devices manipulate particle and wave nature of electrons on one-by-one basis, with applications in quantum metrology, sensing and quantum computing. The corresponding relevant yet underexplored physical systems are shallow dynamic quantum dots, depleted topological edge channels, and quantum point contacts as non-linear beam-splitters. The project seeks to apply theoretical quantum and solid-state physics to the cutting-edge problems that emerge from the current and enable the future development of single-electron quantum technologies. Scientific targets are experimentally verifiable theoretical advances: (1) transition from phenomenological to microscopic models for tunable on-demand wave-packets and electron pairs; (2) methodology for time-domain spectroscopy of ballistic hot electrons; (3) unification of phase-space coherence measures between the low-energy electron quantum optics and solitary electron tomography. The project will leverage accumulated theory know-how at University of Latvia (UL) and as well as its established international collaborations with leading experimental labs and theory experts. On the lateral impact axis, the project will contribute to scientific excellence, attractive study environment and interdisciplinary cohesion at UL, and popularize theory of quantum nanoelectronics as scientific excellence niche for Latvia in the global competitive environment for development of quantum technologies.

Projektu konkurss:

Fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projektu 2021. gada atklātais konkurss