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Sākums  01/12/2018 Noslēgums 30/11/2021 (piešķirts pagarinājums rezultātu nostiprināšanai un publiskošanai līdz 30/06/2022)

  • Projekta numurs

    • Projekta nr. VPP-IZM-2018/1-0005 
  • Finansējums

    • 600 000 EUR
  • Projekta vadītājs

  • Papildu informācija par projektu

  • Projektu realizējošās institūcijas:

    • Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija
    • Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte
    • Latvijas Universitāte
    • Agroresursu un ekonomikas institūts
    • Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

Zinātnes nozare

  • Citas sociālās zinātnes, tai skaitā starpnozaru sociālās zinātnes un militārā zinātne
  • Socioloģija un sociālais darbs
  • Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība


Pētījuma gaitā tiks veikta pasaules ģeopolitisko un starptautisko procesu ietekmes izvērtēšana uz Latvijas kā valsts tautsaimniecību un sabiedrību, skaidrojot dažādo ietekmes faktoru specifiskās izpausmes Latvijas telpā katrā no ietekmes variantiem. Vienlaicīgi tiks apkopots dažādu sabiedrības grupu viedoklis par notiekošajām pārmaiņām, šo pārmaiņu vērtējums un gatavības pakāpe iekļauties šais pārmaiņu procesos tai pat laikā saglabājot valsts un tās tautas kultūrvēsturiskās vērtības. Meklētas variācijas objektīvi notiekošo pārmaiņu un sabiedrības izpratnes par šiem procesiem tuvināšanai, lai sekmētu saliedētākas sabiedrības veidošanu, kas gatava kopdarbībai valsts un reizē arī sava personīgā labuma interesēs. Izstrādāts optimāls ilgtspējīgas tautsaimniecības un sabiedrības funkcionēšanas modelis, kas, nodrošinot valsts neatkarības uzturēšanu, spēj nodrošināt tās sekmīgu darbību mainīgajā ģeopolitiskajā sistēmā. Pētījuma laikā izvērstais darbs ar valsts un pašvaldību institūcijām, kā arī sabiedriskajām organizācijām, izplatot un izskaidrojot pētījuma gaitā iegūtos secinājumus un uz to bāzes nepieciešamos rīcības virzienus, sekmēs zinātniski pamatotu valsts politiku. Vienlaicīgi notiks studējošo pētnieciskās kapacitātes kāpināšana un izglītības sistēmas pilnveidošana, lai nākotnes specialisti būtu sagatavoti darboties nepārtraukti mainīgajos ģeopolitiskajos apstākļos un spētu nodrošināt sekmīgu Latvijas valsts tālāku attīstību.

Projektu konkurss

Valsts pētījumu programma “Latvijas mantojums un nākotnes izaicinājumi valsts ilgtspējai”


p>Sloka, B., Jekabsone, I., Cipane, K., & Vasina, S.A. (2019) Income Differences in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges. European Integration Studies, No. 13. DOI:

Casno, K., Skiltere, D., & Sloka, B. (2019) Factors that Motivate Latvian Consumers to Purchase Products and Services From Social Enterprises in Latvia: The Case of Socially Responsible Consumption. European Integration Studies, No. 13. DOI:

Rivža, B., Krūzmētra, M., Gudele, I., & Foris, D. (2019) Digitalization as an essential growth factor contributing in SME development (experience of Latvia and Romania). Agronomy Research, 17(1), 261–270. DOI:

Rupeika-Apoga, R., Romānova, I., Bule, L., & Thalassinos, Y. E. (2019). The impact of population ageing and social stratification: The case of Latvia. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol. 7 (1), 49 – 63. DOI:

Rivza, B., Kruzmetra, M., Rivza, P. (2020). Linear and structural changes in rural space – the positive and problematic aspects (case of Latvia). Open Agriculture, Vol. 5 (1). DOI:

Rivža, B., Vasiļevska, D., & Rivža, P. (2019) Impact of digital innovation on development of agriculture in Latvia. Proceedings of 18th International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development”, Vol. 18, 682-687.

Jansons, E., & Rivza, B. (2019). Awaiting industry 4.0: Transformation of tertiary education in the Baltic countries and Finland. Proceedings of 25th Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2019”, Vol. 2, 146 – 152.

Pelse, M., Aleksejeva., L., & Ziedina, D. (2019) Innovation level on a global and national scale in the context of renewable energy production in Latvia. Proceedings of 18th International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development”, Vol. 18, 1449-1455.

Lescevica., M., & Titovs, E. (2019) Cross-Border Assignment – the study method supporting SME’s Internationalization and HEI’s Linkage with Industry. Proceedings of 25th Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2019”, Vol. 2, 153 – 160.

Grinberga-Zalite, G., & Hernik. J. (2019). Digital Performance Indicators in the EU. Proceedings of 25th Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2019”, Vol. 2, 183 – 188.

Vasilevska, D., & Rivza, B. (2019) Interaction between digitization and small business in rural territories of Baltic States. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 369-376. DOI:

Rivza, B., Kruzmetra, M., & Jeroscenkova, L. (2019) Structural redeployment of the economy as an important step towards smart growth. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 713-720. DOI:

Trapane, L., & Pelse, M. (2019) Factors facilitating business service centre growth in Baltic region in the context of the European Union. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, No 51, 245-251. DOI:

Bule, L., Romanova, I., & Rupeika-Apoga, R. (2019). Latest Trends in Assessing Pension Reforms. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2019: Incentives for Sustainable Economic Growth”, 124 – 135. DOI:

Volkova, T., Bondars, E., Bikse, V., & Rivža, B. (2019) Digital business ecosystem as an enabler of eco-innovation in the construction sector. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 81-88. DOI:

Grīnberga-Zālīte, G., Rivža, B., Zvirbule, A., & Tihankova, T. (2019) Promoting digital skills in higher education to strengthen the competitiveness of the EU human capital. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 259-266. DOI:

Pilvere-Javorska, A., Pilvere, I., & Rivza, B. (2019) Stock market institutional and regulatory framework in the Baltic States. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, No 51, 302-310. DOI:

Pilvere-Javorska, A., Pilvere, I., & Rivza, B. (2019) Comparative analysis of investment environment in the Baltic States. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 417-426. DOI:

Kundzina, L., & Rivža, B. (2019) Comparison of the Baltic states’ tax reduction policy for donations to universities. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, No 51., 69-75. DOI:

Sloka, B., & Jekabsone, I. (2019). Analysis Of Affordability Of Meat, Chicken, Fish Or Vegetarian Equivalent Every Second Day In Households In Latvia. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, No 51, 354-361. DOI:

Bikse, V., Lusena-Ezera, I., Volkota, T., & Rivza, B. (2019) European bioeconomy policy and new opportunities for bio-based business development. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 317-326. DOI:

Bikse, V., Lūsēna-Ezera, I., Libkovska, U., Rivža, B. & Šmite, L. (2019) Challenges of the 21st Century: Hands-on Learning for Improving STEM Education. Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA)

Bikse, V., Libkovska, U., Lasinska, D. & Rivža, B. (2020) Evaluation of the Possibilities of Development of Digital Competence According to Labour Market Trends in Latvia. The Proceedings of the 35th (IBIMA) International Business Information Management Association Conference

Zvirbule, A., Dobele A., & Grinberga-Zalite, G. The Role of Soft Skills in Life Sciences Education in the Context of Digitalized Working Environment. Proceedings of 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Vol. 19, 341-348. DOI:

Sloka, B., Kersule, L., & Skruzkalne, I. (). The Role Of Telecommunication Personnel For Industry 4.0 Job Creation. Proceedings of scientific papers from the international scientific
conference “The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Job Creation 2019”, 355 – 363.

Vasilevska, D. & Rivza, B. (2019) Interdisciplinary as an Important Component of Education in the Field of Bioeconomics. Proceedings of 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 6657-6662. DOI:

Azena, L., Vasilevska, D., & Rivza, B. (2019). Evaluation of Smart Specialization Influence Indicators in The Riga Planning Region (Latvia). Proceedings of 34th IBIMA Conference.

Pelse, M., & Lescevica, M. (2020). Analysis of digitalization referred to in strategic policy documents in the lifelong education context. Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, No 54, 249-257. DOI: 

Oborenko, Z., Rivza, B., & Rivza, P. (2020). An AHP-Based Assessment Of Scenarios For Promoting Employment Of People With Disabilities In Latvia. Rural Sustainability Research, Vol. 43 (338), 67 – 74.

Vasina, S.A., & Sloka, B. (2019). Wage Gap as a Possible Determinant of Gender Inequality. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 27 (1), 88–99. DOI:

Līce, A., & Sloka, B. (2019). Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Vocational Education as a Method to Achieve Employability of Graduates. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 27 (3), 98 – 106. DOI:

Dundure, E. & Sloka, B. (2019) Voluntary Private Investments Role in Pension System in Latvia. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 29 (3), 43–52. DOI:

Sloka, B., & Čipāne, K. (2019). Material Deprivation: a Case of Latvia. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 29 (3), 35–42. DOI:

Lielpēters, E. (2019). Engaging Citizens in the Decision-Making Process. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 29 (3), 53–63. DOI:

Lice, A., & Sloka, B. (2019). Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Vocational Education as a Method to Achieve Employability of Graduates. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 29 (3), 98–107. DOI:

Sloka, B., & Čipāne, K. (2019). Economic Activity In Context Of Regions, Education Level, Age Group And Gender: Case Of Latvia. Journal of Economics and Management Research. Vol. 8, 72-81. DOI:

Ozoliņa, Z., & Sloka, B. Determination Aspects of Possible Purchasing Prices for Blue Mussel Products from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Economics and Management Research. Vol. 8, 106–115. DOI:

Stefenberga, D., & Sloka, B. (2020). Regional Development: The Importance Of The Involvement Of Inhabitants And Innovative Approaches In Management. Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol. 30 (1), 112 – 120. DOI:

Sloka, B., Cipane, K., Vasina, S. A., & Volgasts, E. Digitalisation in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges. Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 28 (1), 30-45. DOI:

Rivza, B., Kruzmetra, M. National research programme, Latvian heritage and future challenges for the sustainability of the state, INTERFRAME-LV 2019–2021. Latvian Academy of Sciences Year book 2020, 72-74.

Rivza, B., Rivza, P., & Skipore, J. (2019) Smart city development in Latvia. Proceedings of International conference Geolinks, Book 2, Vol. 1, 97-105. DOI:

Mietule, I., Maksymova, I., & Holikova, K. (2019) Key trends in the development of marketplaces as a trigger for the transformation of global business. Proceedings of the international scientific conference SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Vol. 6, 374-386. DOI:

Dundure, E., & Sloka, B. (2019). Sales Channels And Media Digitalization Impact On People Voluntary Savings For Retirement. Proceedings of 49th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development “Building Resilient Society”, 212-219.

Cipane, K., & Sloka, B. (2019). Overall Life Satisfaction In Latvia. Proceedings of 49th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development “Building Resilient Society”, 343-352.

Sloka, B., Tora, G., Buligina, I., & Dzelme, J. (2019). Role Of Education And Training On Income In Different Regions Of Latvia. Proceedings of 49th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development “Building Resilient Society”, 205-211.

Mietule, I., Mikusane, A., Lonska, J., Maksymova, I., & Vegera, S. (2019) Theoretical aspects of tax policy and its practical study. Proceedings of 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS 2019, Vol. 6 (1), 505-512.

Stefenberga, D., & Sloka, B. (2020). The Role of Innovation in Sustainable Regional Development. Proceedings of 9th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2019”, 486-491. DOI:

Pilvere-Javorska, A., Pilvere, I., & Rivža, B. (2020) Company Capital Structure Theoretical Framework: Historical Assessment And Trends In 21st Century. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic science for rural development”, 191 – 198. DOI:

Ostrovska, I., Rivza, B., Aleksejeva, L., & Kusina, B. (2020) Comparative Analysis Of Smart Development Of The Territory: Example of Daugavpils and Ilukste Municipality. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic science for rural development”, No 54, 181-189. DOI:

Kundzina, L., & Rivza, B. (2020) Fundraising For Universities. Alumni Efforts As Case Study. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic science for rural development”, No 54, 241-248. DOI:

Buligina, I., & Sloka, B. (2020). Work-Based-Learning Development In Latvia: Success And Further Challenges By Views Of Educators, Employers And Students. Proceedings of 52nd International Scientific Conference “Economic and Social Development”, 489-496.

Sloka, B., Tora, G., Buligina, I., & Dzelme, J. (2020). Development Of Household Income Towards Modern Welfare Economics In Latvia. Proceedings of 52nd International Scientific Conference “Economic and Social Development”, 592-601.

Mietule, I., Holubeva, A., Ziankova, I., & Lisichonak, A. (2020) Trends in the training of it specialists: experience of interuniversity cooperation. Proceedings of the international scientific conference SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION, Vol. 4, 539-549. DOI:

Rivza, B., Rivza, P., Simule, J., & Grinberga-Zalite, G. (2019). 5G development scenarios for Latvia created by using the APH method. Proceedings of the 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS 2019, Vol. 6(2), 343-348. DOI:

Oborenko, Z., Rivza, B., Zivitere, M., & Konstantinova, E. (2019) Enhancing vocational rehabilitation to meet labour market demands: perspective of Latvia. Proceedings of the 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS 2019, Vol. 6(2), 503-510. DOI: